Belgo-Indian Network for Astronomy & Astrophysics

Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)

Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB)

Research Areas of ROB(website)

OD1 Reference Systems and Planetology (website)
OD2 Seismology and Gravimetry (website)
OD3 Astronomy and Astrophysics (website)
OD4 Solar Physics and Space Weather (website)

Astronomy and Astrophysics

Massive star (3D radiative transfer modeling, stellar winds, colliding winds, hypergiants)
Stellar evolution (AGB stars, planetary nebulae)
Stellar rotation (intermediate-mass stars)
Variable stars (Classical Cepheids, type-II Cepheids, delta Scuti stars, gamma Doradus stars, beta Cephei stars, Slowly Pulsating B stars)
Binary stars (Algols, binaries with pulsating components)


As a partner institute of the HERMES consortium, ROB contributes to:

Development of advanced spectrographs
Research on high-resolution imaging
Calibration and data analysis techniques

Peter De Cat (Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium),, +32 2 3730675